Collection: Powerviolence

Powerviolence is an extreme and confrontational subgenre of hardcore punk that emerged in the late 1980s, characterized by its blistering speed, abrasive sound, and ultra-short song structures. Drawing influence from various hardcore styles, powerviolence fuses elements of D-Beat's raw energy, California Hardcore's aggression, and Thrash Core's breakneck tempos. The genre often incorporates the political edge of French Hardcore, while pushing sonic boundaries with Noisecore-inspired dissonance and feedback. Powerviolence bands typically deliver rapid-fire blasts of distorted guitars, pummeling drums, and guttural vocals, interspersed with sudden tempo changes and occasional sludgy breakdowns. The Chicago Hardcore scene has also contributed to the genre's evolution, adding its own distinct flavor of intensity and urban grit. With its uncompromising approach and furious delivery, powerviolence continues to be a visceral and challenging form of extreme music.

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