Collection: Chopped And Screwed

Chopped And Screwed is a distinctive hip-hop subgenre that originated in Houston, Texas, characterized by its slowed-down tempo and manipulated vocal tracks. This hypnotic style involves dramatically reducing the speed of songs, often to around 60-70 beats per minute, creating a woozy, dreamlike atmosphere. Producers employ techniques like skipping beats, record scratching, and stop-time effects to further enhance the genre's unique sound. Chopped And Screwed has spawned offshoots like Phonk, which blends the slowed-down aesthetics with trap elements and eerie samples, and Dirty Texas Rap, which incorporates gritty Southern hip-hop influences while maintaining the syrupy, stretched-out feel. The genre's influence has spread beyond its Texan roots, inspiring artists worldwide to experiment with tempo manipulation and creating a distinct auditory experience that continues to evolve.

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Chopped And Screwed