Collection: Drone

Drone is a vast and mesmerizing genre that encompasses a wide array of sonic landscapes, from the ethereal realms of ambient and space ambient to the more abrasive territories of noise and harsh noise wall. At its core, drone music is characterized by sustained or repeated sounds, notes, or tones, often creating a hypnotic and immersive experience. The genre's diverse subgenres explore various moods and textures, ranging from the serene atmospheres of compositional ambient and warm drone to the unsettling depths of dark ambient and ritual ambient. Drone often intersects with experimental music, incorporating elements of field recordings, modular synthesis, and unconventional instruments. It can be found in numerous cultural contexts, from the meditative qualities of nu age to the industrial-tinged ambient industrial, and even in the realms of metal with atmospheric post-metal and doomgaze. Whether it's the abstract soundscapes of hauntology, the minimalist approach of lowercase, or the culturally diverse experimental scenes from countries like Japan, Ukraine, and Australia, drone continues to push the boundaries of sound and perception.

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